Lots of barriers

Since we are running out of time, I am confronted with technological and time-wise barriers to implement this project. If there is more time, we may go for the dynamic version. I think this project will be a remarkable experience before going back to my career life. If I don’t know something, It is better not to hesitate asking questions. I think I learn social skills.

For the group project, we will launch the game. If it is completed, I have to test it out whether it works well or not. At this point, our team is becoming experimental.

I am so glad that we got more Instagram followers. It has been 24 followers. Parsons 2015 BFA and one fashion blogger with 19k number of followers followed us. I tried to interact with more users who are fashion studies majors and DH majors. I clicked on #digitalhumanities, clicked some of like buttons.