smallest contribution in my field

At first, I want to give help to humanities and social science areas. Fashion is an interdisciplinary subject to cover. It has to be more broadly discussed in various academic fields. I agree fashion represents socioeconomic status and psychological state. Socioeconomic status is easily recognized by wearing certain high brands. Neighborhoods have their own dress code, it is not officially decided, though. Also, fashion is a type of communication which allows to express individuality.

Fashion is an attractive subject in DH field. Fashion has rich resources of digital archives especially from fashion journalism. I hope our project will be help out fashion and design studies. Fashion especially so called ootd (outfit of the day) is popular in teenagers and younger college students. It is a type of social culture and phenomenon and valuable enough to research.

During the class, we discussed the fluidity of roles for the project. I am figuring out how to directly assist my team members.

As it goes

This week, I listened to the presentation conducted by CUNY Cast group. I compared between my group’s project and discovered similarities. CUNY Cast group was also challenged by technical problems such as using digital tools to synchronize the radio, documentation, tutorials, and approaching to audiences. They basically upload their conversation on the server.

Our group also has an issue of technology especially domain. Hope we will solve this soon.

I had a role meeting. I got great tips and feedback from other group project managers. HUAC group’s project manager, Chris introduced Trello which is an application of posting conversations among team members and documents. Our group members update their progress via emails. However, it is hard to go back and forth to check each email because other emails are compiled together.  I realized that team managers have to be “super” diligent. I always have to open my eyes and ears to track my team members’ new ideas and works.

Our group’s project are in a shape step by step. In the beginning, I was worried of doing the group project because I don’t have enough background knowledge of fashion studies and technologies. In reality, it is difficult to multitask among other works such as MA thesis, job hunting, job interviews etc… In this point, I become more comfortable of multitasking.

I should go over all the updates from our team members. Tessa mentioned “Robots Reading Vogue”, which is a DH project done in Yale University and related to fashion.

We are planning to use Phyton to pull the images from Instagram. #sprezzatura



Ongoing process

During the class, we discussed user stories and outreach plan.

On the first stage, I was worried of doing this project because I do not have a broad understanding of fashion and I was afraid of using certain technologies. Reading Min and Tessa’s proposal from last semester helped me shaping the ideas. I will keep tracking the member’s progress as a team manager.

Last week, Luke advised our groups to add details on technology. I guess our group found a way to use technology. We found a platform called “medium.” I think it will be the core platform for this project.  We will link 3 SNS including Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr. Anyway, we are still in the beginning level.

To gather data, I should track people and taste of clothes. Defining people, clothes, time, and location is very important, which is our group’s main role so far. We also discussed “data cleaning.” Last week, I searched #sprezzatura on instagram. I realized there were several irrelevant photo in a relation to the hashtags. I guess we need to play mediator and curator roles to manage the website.

We talked about rating and voting systems. I am not sure whether they work. I think that will be complicated.

I learned and expanded my scope through taking this course and socializing classmates from different academic backgrounds. I expect to make better progress next week.

skill sets

I would like to describe my basic characteristics and strong point. Also couple of weak points…
-social science studies background
– organized/ neat
-analytic- good at summarizing long paragraphs.
-good at mediating opposing ideas
-liberal & open-minded/ flexible
-punctual in time, time management
-arranging time
-negotiation, communication
-I think I am a trainable person. I easily get used to a novel environment.
I have experience in designing google sites for my undergraduate course works.

I am thinking of doing project manager.
I want to avoid the designer because I have lack of knowledge of coding/ computer languages.
Outreach collaborator… maybe I will think about it.

To be honest, I am not still familiar with coding. I am afraid of making huge mistakes once I have to serve the role related to the coding.

I look forward to hearing interesting ideas for next class.
