
I am done with the first presentation, but I have more works to do. I should support the development part. I am thinking of taking the My SQL part. Technology part including python, API, and database is the hardest part of this project, and it is a crux of the project. If we still face limitations and difficulties, we should limit our scopes which means we should reduce some parts. Actually, we haven’t discussed this part in details.

This week, we got chances to have two group meetings. I think that was a great chance to know each member better. At the first meeting, we revised the website. We found out that there were few unnecessary social media icons.  Fonts were small so the designers enlarged it. On the next day, we visited the media lab and got advises from the digital fellows.

To help the development, I should start learning MySQL and reading instructions on Instragram API and API Python. Also, I will go to the media lab and talk to the digital fellows.  I am excited to learn new materials from “exotic” fields. I totally agree that learning the programming languages is similar to learning foreign languages. It is difficult, but it is challenging.

I should do multitasking. Sometimes I help outreach. This time, I will help the development part.